Market Report 5 May – Weaner Sale

Posted 12/05/2023

Weaner Sale 5 May Market Report

2600 head

Lucky Vendor – RD O’Donohoe, Woolooga

Charolais or Charolais infused weaners – AL & SM Fowler, Coalstoun Lakes

Simmental or Simmental infused weaners – Lehmann Cattle Co, Tansey

Santa Gertrudis or Santa Gertrudis infused weaners – AL & SM Fowler, Coalstoun Lakes

Champion Pen – Charolais or Charolais infused weaners – AL & SM Fowler, Coalstoun Lakes

Cattle were drawn from Eidsvold, Rosedale, Eumundi, Crownthorpe, Goomeri, Tansey, Mundubbera, Gayndah, Booubyjan, Windera, Gin Gin and all local areas.

Santa Simbrah cross weaner steers from Crownthorpe sold from 416-442c/$1045-$1311. Santa Charolais cross steers from Coalstoun Lakes sold from 398-438c/$1270-$1451. Charolais cross weaner steers from Brooweena sold for 442c/$1268. Charolais cross weaner steers from Biggenden sold for 436c/$1376.

Charolais cross weaner steers from Eumundi sold for 460c/$1292. Charolais and Simmental cross weaner steers from Woowoonga sold from 406-456c/$1083-$1255. Charolais cross steers from Biggenden sold for 468c/$1096. Charolais, Simmental and Santa cross steers from Biggenden sold from 408-456c/$1103-$1312.

Simmental cross steers from Coalstoun Lakes sold for 398c/$1363. Simmental cross steers from Ban Ban Springs sold for 442c/$1083. Simmental cross steers from Yandaran sold for 408-432c/$1015-$1178. Simmental cross steers from Kilkivan sold for 422c/$1199.

Simmental cross steers from Tansey sold from 388-440c/$1065-$1202. Simmental cross steers from Eidsvold sold for 434c/$1245. Simmental Santa cross steers from Goomeri sold for 438c/$1202. Santa Simbrah steers from Booubyjan sold for 440c/$1295.

Charolais Santa cross heifers from Crownthorpe sold for 340c/$916. Charolais Santa cross heifers from Coalstoun Lakes sold for 328c/$1037. Charolais Simmental cross heifers from Woowoonga sold for 334c/$932. Simmental cross heifers from Tansey sold for 330c/$924.

Simmental cross heifers from Eidsvold sold from 288-440c/$687-1250. Simmental cross heifers from Windera sod for 322c/$809. Simmental cross heifers from Kilkivan sold for 320c/$822.

Charolais cross heifers from Eumundi sold for 340c/$1024. Charolais cross heifers from Gayndah sold for 330c/$931. Charolais heifers from Biggenden sold for 324c/$790.


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