Address available on request
Property Address
Address available on request,
Dallarnil, QLD 4621
64.72 ha
Contact Agent
Ideal Livestock/Lifestyle Block
- 64.72 ha or 159.92 acres
- Undulating, contoured country
- Scrub soils
- Well grassed with native and improved pastures
- Fenced into 5 paddocks + laneway
- Comfortably carrying 25 breeders
- Watered by bore (1250gph) which supplies troughs + seasonal gully/water holes
- Set of stock yards + ramp
- 100% white on vegetation map
- Located at Dallarnil
For all enquiries or to arrange an inspection please contract Exclusive Agents Jess Rollinson on 0407 199 293 or James Cochrane 0407 139 901
The above information has been supplied to us by the Vendor. We do not accept responsibility to any person for its accuracy and do no more than pass this information on. Interested parties should make and rely upon their own enquiries in order to determine whether or not this information is in fact accurate.
Selling Agents

James Cochrane
Director, Rural Property, Livestock Sales and Auctioneer
0407 139 901